Who is Amika?


Leicester AMIKA Choir is a friendly, diverse community choir, rooted in the belief that everyone can learn to sing in beautiful 4 part harmony, so we hold no auditions. Our songs are selected from around the World and are sung in the original languages including Xhosa, Maori, Norwegian – and English! We sing ‘a Capella’ - with no accompaniment - so our sound is pure and beautiful. Amika means friendly in Esperanto and we are true to our name -  so we'll go out of our way to make you welcome.
The parts we sing in are soprano for the highest voices, then alto, tenor and bass, but don't worry if you don't know which you are - come along and we'll help you to find out. It's also fine to try other parts for songs.

Because we learn by ear, you don't need to read music, but teaching tracks (and musical scores, if you need them) are available in the Members area of the website. There are separate recordings of parts and an 'all parts' track so that singers can listen, learn and practise at home between meetings and in preparation for performances.

You are welcome to come to your first meeting for free to try us out, but if we are a good fit for you, we do ask for a commitment by attending and paying regularly, whatever amount you are able to manage.

Having committed choir members is more important than what you can afford, as long as we can pay the bills. It is really helpful if you can pay half termly or termly, but we can accept subs weekly if necessary.

We aim for a the highest standard we can achieve, and it needs practice to make it rewarding, but the benefits for your mental and physical wellbeing are priceless. Check out our members' testimonials.

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All our rehearsals are open to potential new members, so why not pay us a visit?

We rehearse at 7:00pm to 9:00pm (ideally, arrive at 6:45pm) at the African Caribbean Centre, Maidstone Rd, Leicester LE2 0UA

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Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Leicester Amika Choir